Administartion & Finance Masthead

Debt Recovery Scheme

Sadly, every season players leave clubs without paying their debts. The Jersey FA Debt Recovery Scheme is the clubs’ opportunity to try to recoup the money owed.

All affiliated clubs may ask us to issue a "Sine Die" suspension against individuals that owe them money, but must follow the process below when making an application to this scheme. This is limited to a £50 minimum total claim, except for the recovery of Disciplinary Admin Fees & Fines.

If a participant has accrued a debt in open age football and has left owing money to the club, Jersey FA may be able to assist in the recovery of the debt.

Debts that we can assist with (but not limited to) are match fees, playing expenses and league costs. We are not able to retrieve, through this scheme, monies owing from kit/equipment, club subscriptions, and club trips.

Jersey FA should be approached as soon as it is clear there is a problem. In all cases this must be within 28 days of formal payment being requested and 112 days of the debt being incurred. The club must pay Jersey FA an admin fee of £25 per debt when submitting a claim. This will be added to the total being claimed and will be refunded upon the monies owed being received from the participant(s).

The JFA, upon receipt of a claim will investigate to verify whether the claim is valid and will notify the club of the outcome. The participant will be notified in writing of the debt owing. Failure to pay within 21 days will result in a “Sine Die” suspension from all football and football activities. The suspension will only be lifted on receipt of the payment or after seven years has passed. Any debts being used to prevent a transfer must be part of the Football Debt Recovery system.


Get in touch

Football Services Manager

Jonathan Le Fondre


Phone: 01534 730433

The Process

Club gives notice in writing to the individual concerned with a breakdown of the debt owed. Correspondence must provide a date before which payment must be received.

The club gives notice in writing to the individual confirming payment has not been received by the date stated and that the club may request in writing a suspension of the participant. The Jersey FA should be approached within 28 days of formal payment being requested in writing. This must be within 112 days of the original debt being incurred.

Request must be sent to the Jersey FA using the application form available below, and must include the following information about the individual:
- Name, address and date of birth
- Detailed summary of all monies owed including dates of the incurred debts
- Copies of correspondence sent to individual requesting payment
- Any other clubs the individual is registered with

Please note, that a £25 administration fee is applicable at this stage for this service.

A suspension notice is sent to the participant asking for the payment.

Payment sent to Jersey FA or appeal requested within 21 days from date suspension notice was issued. If no payment is received or appeal requested, on the 22nd day following suspension notice being issued then participant is suspended from all football activities until the debt is cleared or seven years have passed.


Football debts are defined as those costs arising directly from football activity, and as such would include disciplinary costs (e.g. fines), match costs (e.g. match fees) and playing expenses (e.g. pitch hire).

Kit, equipment, club subscriptions, signing on fees, internal club fines, lottery or any other fund raising schemes, club trip costs and other club debts.